Thursday 4 December 2014

Cross Stitch 2015 projects !!

I guess this might be a little too early but seeing many of you sharing new starts, I thought I would share my shortlisted projects planned for the year 2015.

Although I have few leftovers from 2014, but as for now lets see the new ones only.

1. Best Friend by Joan Elliott from The World of Cross Stitching, March 2013

2. Choosing a tree by Margaret Sherry from Calender 2012 – 2013

This is the chart sent by my blogger friend Jo from Serendipitous Stitching . Thank You Jo!!

3. Zoo Cuties by Durene Jones from Cross Stitch Card Shop July 2013 (3 items selected)

4. Stitchy Sayings Rhona Norrie from Cross Stitch Crazy July 2012 (2 items selected)

5. Home Sweet Home by Angela Poole from Cross Stitcher August 2010

6. Paws for thought by Andree Langhorn , from Cross Stitch Collection February 2012

7. Russian doll by Rhona Norrie from The World of Cross Stitching June 2013

8. Pastimes & Hobbies by Debra Page from The World of Cross Stitching March 2013
Three items selected ----Super snapper, super gamer, sewing is fun

9. Garden Helper by Lesley Teare from Cross Stitcher Rustic style

10. Monster alphabet by Lucie Heaton from Cross Stitch Crazy February 2014

11. Bookworm  by Margaret Sherry from Calender 2009

12. Kitty litter from Dimensions Gold Collection kit

I have shortlisted all the designs I would like to stitch from the magazines and entered details diligently into Google sheets. Hope I will maintain it too.

Anshita turned 12 on 1st December :) We had a small Birthday party at home with few of her friends. Her cake was a designer Candy Crush cake . She made these two lovely cards for her father's Birthday which was on 29th November.

What are your plans for 2015?

Have a nice day!
Preeti :)


  1. WOW, Preeti! That is a lot of stitching!!! You quickly do such beautiful work, I believe you can finish them all this next year. I want to finish knitting the blanket, hat, socks and pumpkin I have started. Then I have crochet projects I want to do...and I have a cross stitch kit that has been sitting by my favorite chair for years waiting for me to start it. You inspire me to think I can make some progress on my list :) I'm glad you had Happy Birthday celebrations in your household, too! xx

  2. Yay, there are Sagittarius people over, there like me :D (Mine is 25th of November)
    ♫ Happy birthday to all Sagittarians ♫(including me) ♥♥♥ When is your birthday???? Living with Sagi people would be hard if you have a conservative sign:)

    Projects for 2015 are so very lovely ♥

  3. These projects are really nice! I like the Garden Helper, is cute, but I bet yours will be cuter :)

  4. Great plans! You are super organized!

    Happy Birthday to your daughter and your husband. What a funny card!

  5. Whoa. you have a lot of cross stitching to do in 2015. :-) crochet plans??
    that is the most amazing birthday card I've ever seen, hats off to Anshita for the creative idea. :-)
    happy birthday to both of them!!!

  6. Great choices for next year, Preeti :-) Happy birthday to Anshita and her dad!

  7. Hello Preeti

    Wow, lots of lovely stitching there and you're very organised with your list.
    Your daughter's cards are geat too x

  8. Awesome choices Preeti. I so love numbers 2 and 3. Sure wish those magazine subscriptions didn't cost so darn much.
    Have you joined my crazy January challenge yet?


  9. Lots of new projects Preeti. I haven't got around to making a list yet, you are very organised. Love your new stitching patterns

  10. Happy birthday to your daughter and husband! Those cards are great, especially love the 'not so healthy' one haha.

    I really like your method of keeping track of things you want to stitch next year! Very helpful~ I think I like #1 the best, kokeshi dolls are so cute. :D

  11. Great projects for next year Preeti!
    And a Happy Birthday to your daughter and hubby :) Like Rosey...I'm drawn to the chocolate card :D
    I have no fixed plans for next year....will continue to go through my WIPS and finish them off...and of course there's the Serenity Harbour SAL that I've signed up for. Other than that it's pretty much a "stitch what you feel like" kind of year for me!
    Oh....I do need to finish the crochet blanket...and start the one for my son next year!

  12. Great choices!! Plenty to keep you busy :)
    I don't tend to plan ahead, just stitch what I fancy at the time. Typing this, I've just committed myself to a small SAL :)

  13. Fantastic pieces! I love each one and can't wait to watch them grow with you. I'm slowly making my list. I will never finish them all haha. Doesn't help I keep adding more.

  14. Wow thats a lot of stitching Preeti some lovely projects there. Happy belated Birthday to your daughter and hubby have a good weekend. :)

  15. Lovely creations !!! All of them !!!
    Have a great weekend !

  16. Such fun choices for 2015, Preeti--I'll bet you can hardly wait to start! Happy Birthday to your daughter--tell her I just love that candy bar card she made for her father :)

  17. All projects looks lovely! i'm sure you'll have fun making them.. and the card that your daughter made for her Dad is so unique and adorable :)

  18. Great choices for 2015! I love the Joan Elliott design.... can't wait to see them started :o)
    Hugs xx

  19. You're so organized! I need to try and make a list too :) Great cards for her Baba!

  20. Wonderful projects, Preeti! My favorites are the Russian doll, the kitten basket and Home Sweet Home :-). I'm sure you will do them perfectly. Belated Happy Birthday, Anshita!
    Hugs, Nata

  21. Awesome projects! All are so sweet and beautiful!

  22. Such lovely projects! You are very organized. Belated birthday wishes to both Anshita and your hubby!

  23. Awesome projects! Happy belated Birthday to Anshita!
    I wish you and family a Merry Christmas!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft


  24. Olá amiga, hoje quero agradecer a Deus pelo dom da sua vida, e desejar a você e sua família
    um feliz e santo Natal, cheio de saúde e alegria!!!
    Que seu coração esteja preparado para receber o Menino Deus!!!
    Um grande abraço, Marie.

  25. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter.My favourite is the garden helper.Hope to see more projects from you.

  26. Oh, lots of projects next year:-)
    My list changes a lot....sooo much pretty things to craft/stitch and choices to make.
    And unfortunately always too little time to do it all.
    Good luck with your to see the results.

  27. Awe! love the Friends project! So many cute projects you have planned! I have kitty litter, too!
    Happy birthday to your pretty young lady!
    My plans for 2015 are to just survive.... I have lots to do!

  28. Great list, it really will be the Year of the Magazine for you. I think my favourite is the little book worm.
    Don't forget to link up for my Gifted Gorgeousness SAL when you stitch from the calendar I sent!

  29. What pretty projects you have planned for 2015! I can't wait to watch their progress


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