Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Stitching update and call for a suggestion...

Thank you for your comments on my last post ! I won't say I could not reply due to blogger issues because I haven't been prompt in replying in last few months, maybe an year, ok, few years but not never :D

I have been working mostly on two projects, one I cannot show as it is meant for gifting and it is already delayed:(

Here is my progress on another one of my twelve new starts this year, Bellle & Boo Gardening.



I used a plain white aida fabric, so I changed the dress color to cream which was white in the main design and also the print on the dress was nice but annoying to stitch, so I changed that as well to a simple print. Only backstitching is remaining. I hope it will be done by next week.

I need a suggestion on my Allium flowers project. There are some single stitches/confetti stitches in variegated shade in between flowers. Do you think the design looks more beautiful with that or if I leave those stitches, will my flowers look less pretty? I think both questions are same, anyways, but do let me know your opinion. I need to change the thread as I am using different fabric color. I also ran out of one shade so this project is on hold for sometime. Here is the close-up of original design.

Original design

 My progress so far

About my trip photos, well, there are thousands and I selected few hundreds. Don't worry I won't show all here :D For a trip of two weeks, one camera, three smartphones and a teenager with Instagram account, this is bound to happen. I feel old days life of limited camera rolls was easier to manage. I will definitely share in next post.

Happy creative week ahead!


  1. Great progress Preeti. I think the flowers would look pretty in a sorta bright yellow.


  2. It is way too easy to take pictures these days, that's for sure. Yet I'm constantly running out of room on my phone because I'm not good at deleting. Your stitching looks lovely. I think you definitely need to fill in those empty spaces amongst the flowers or they will look a bit bare.

  3. Nice progress on the Belle project. To answer your question , I will ask a question..ha ha. Are you thinking of skipping the confetti stitches because you don't have the required thread or you are running short of time? If first, try substituting the thread ; if second, try to squeeze these confetti stitches as they add to detail.

  4. I think the flowers are needed, Preeti. Go for some subtle color which does not pop out because the focus is the main flower and the butterfly.

  5. Both creations are lovely !
    Keep going...
    Have fun !

  6. Both projects are lovely. The flowers are gorgeous and I love the scroll pattern in the background.

  7. My dear girlfriend! I admire that you can work on two projects at the same time. I do not know.
    I like everything, the little girl with the beautiful is beautiful. I look forward to continuing!

  8. Your stitching is beautiful. How nice to be spending time traveling and taking photos. I can't wait to see some of them. :)

  9. Very nice work! The girl looks very cure and the fliwers will become very beautiful. I can't give you any advice, because I don't stich.

  10. I love both your projects but more especially the gorgeous flowers. I would personally stitch everything because it would show up more details when finished :)

  11. Beautiful projects Preeti! I like the Belle and Boo design very much. You are clever to alter the dress design.
    I think the flowers look more rounded and three dimensional with the confetti stitches in them. I don't think I would buy the variegated floss though if I didn't have it. A pale floss would work as well.
    Looking forward to seeing photos if your trip. I agree about the old style film but think of the money we save not having to get photos developed only to find they didn't come out well!

  12. I love the Belle and Boo!

  13. What a sweet stitch Belle & Boo is! And it is just my opinion, but I think the confetti stitches kind of complete the design - although, they don't look like they would be very much fun to do. : ) It's amazing just how many pictures you can take on a trip. : ) Looking forward to seeing yours.

  14. Bella and Boo is such a sweet stitch--you've made wonderful progress. And yes, I think the added stitches are needed--maybe you could just do fewer of them?

    I look forward to seeing your photos from your travels--that is one of my favorite things about reading blogs :) Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Your Belle has seen a lot of attention. Greta progress on her.
    I think I would stitch the confetti stitches, they might be little highlights.

  16. Great progress in cross stitching. I too would suggest adding those little stitches. Can't wait to see your vacation photos. Have a wonderful day!

  17. Ehhh, I dunno, I think you should stitch without the confetti and see how you feel. They can be added in after though that can be dangerous territory of Never Actually Doing It. (Not at all guilty of this........)

    At least you had room on all your devices to take pictures! I remember one time my husband went to take a picture with my phone only to find it full. "Why do you have hundreds of pictures of the cats?!" I still laugh at this though I empty my phone regularly now. ;)

  18. Pretty Belle and Boo design and the flowers are a lovely colour but I would add the confetti stitches as these tiny details make all the difference.

  19. Lovely to see so much of cross stitching happening there.. sorry for not visiting you often

  20. Your flower pattern is very beautiful. Personally, the confetti stitches really add to the flowers.

  21. Beautiful little girl watering the plants..the flowers are coming pretty well too, looking forward to seeing the completed version.


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