Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Splashed with colorful blooms!!!!!

Hello!!! Hope you all are having a great crafty time! :)

I am ready and eager to show one of my finished pieces . I thought of a quick project and started making a flower. I liked it very much, so I made some more :)

Crochet flowers

Crochet flowers

Aren't they colorful?

Then, with the help of some crochet blocks and some tutorials on Internet, I made a square at the base of the flowers . I scoured my stash for bright colors to make the square but they always dominate the piece . So this time I decided no oranges, yellows or greens; let me experiment with different shades. I chose grey and burnt purple colors and I loved it. They don't look that dull....right?

Crochet flower square

I started joining the squares and added a border. I like brightening up everything ; so what, if not with colors, beads will do! :) I needed small pearls which I did not have . I decided not to rush to the store and instead shop from my own stock at home :) The ones I had were medium sized, but I guess they look good on the border . I love to see the beaded string while crocheting although sometimes it is irritating to continuously push them down. I also added some buttons at the joins .
The border pattern is a cluster edging (page no. 261) from the book ‘Crochet stitches visual encyclopedia’ by Robyn Chachula . I crocheted the beads at the edge of the cluster. I have used Anchor knitting cotton and hook size 2.75mm.

Crochet beaded border

At last, the blocking part. It was a bit difficult because I crocheted slightly loose. After 1 hr of slogging to shape it, I decided that it can't get any better even if I sit for another one hour. This is perfect for me! :)

Crochet floral table runner

Crochet floral table runner

Finally, lands on my table!! Ta- daa !!!!!!

Crochet floral table runner

Crochet floral table runner

Calm and peaceful, yet colorful !! I loved it !! Did you ?

Have a nice day !
Preeti  :)


  1. So BEAUTIFUL! The flowers, the color of the square, the extravagance of the beads - all compliment each other very well! Loved the gray background of the flowers and the first pic in the post :)

  2. It's looking so pretty..
    Hugs x

  3. So lovely! I love the colors you chose and also the beaded edging, it looks fabulous on your table!

  4. Those flowers look so colorful and fun :D Wonderful work, makes me smile!!! :D And I also love the choice for the background on the square ;) Congrats!!

  5. It looks lovely Preeti! So colourful and cheering it is!

  6. It looks stunningly beautiful! The choice of colors was different than usual but they are looking perrrrrfect together. The table runner is no doubt adding a glamour to your room. Good job, Preeti! :))

  7. It's beautiful Preeti - the flowers are pretty, the colors are pretty, and I love that you added the buttons and pearls. :)

  8. Looking beautiful Preeti!!!! Perfect for the centre table.


  9. Olá querida!

    Obrigada pela visita em meu blog!
    Lindas suas flores, amei!

  10. beautiful and colourful!!!!
    Brava Preeti!!!
    xxxx Ale

  11. Your table runner is gorgeous Preeti. You did an awesome job and the colors are perfect.


  12. Looks great, Preeti! I love everything you create! So colorful and fun! :)

  13. Gorgeous! The flowers are very pretty, and the beads make such lovely details.

  14. The colors are fabulous - not dull at all!This is really beautiful!

  15. Wow that's lovely Preeti

  16. Really beautiful !!!
    Have a nice day !

  17. Stunning table mat, Preeti! I could feel how much you got inspired by this project! You made a simple decor item look so delicate by adding those beads - great job!Which method did you use for square joining?:) looks so neat!

  18. Hello Preeti,
    You did a great job... again! Love the flowers!

  19. I love it! Great work! The beads are so pretty xx

  20. It is a lovely little table runner. I've not been doing much crafting at all of late. Must get my mojo back. Hope you are having a great week. Tammy

  21. This is gorgeous! What colors so bright and beautiful! I love it! And looks great on your table! Congratulations! And kisses from Catalonia! You make me happy with the visit and I I really appreciate your comments! Thank you!

  22. So pretty! I wish I knew how to crochet...it is on the to do list!

  23. Love your choice of colours and the beads make it look all the more beautiful

  24. wow its soo beautiful. Loves the flower pattern. Colour combination for the petals is awesome. Is it mercerized knitting cotton you've used??


  25. Hello, these are also lovely flowers. I thought I followed you a long time ago, but aperently something went wrong... not this time:)

  26. How lovely Preeti! Beautiful colours ...each compliments the other. I must say I agree with you crochet flowers on motifs are a delight and so effective but adding beads too gives them that extra special touch. Are those buttons in the centre or tiny flowers I can't quite make them out?

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  27. Oh this is so pretty. I love the yarn colors you choose. :)

    Blessings always

  28. What a lovely tablecover! Well done!

  29. That is lovely! The colors are happy (even the background--not dull at all), but that beading along the border really takes it uptown.

  30. This is your best yet! Just so colorful and lovely! Great job!

  31. Hi Preeti, I find it interesting that you say science has proven that the length of our life is mapped into our genes, because I have recently read the exact opposite. That heredity actually plays a very small part when it comes to our health. Turns out it is what we do each and every day that makes a difference. There are so many different schools of thought out there and we all have to do what we think is right. Like you, however long I live, I want to be healthy, of sound mind, kind and compassionate. Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  32. Bellísimoooo!
    Qué colorido!
    Cariños ♥

  33. Your crocheting is so beautiful! It looks absolutely wonderful!

  34. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks so much for linking up on Hookin on Hump Day!

  35. OI!
    Tenho que sempre agradecer a internet por achar bons blog e hoje achei o teu, amei!!!
    Gostei dos teus crochet's, muito!
    Abraço e volto pra visitar.

  36. Hi there. .first time here. And yes. .they are indeed very colorful. And..I loved your blog caption too.

  37. That is wonderful. I love it. Have a nice weekend.


  38. You really splashed with blooms. Wonderful in these colors.

    Have a nice day, Margaret

  39. Wow, that came out really great, love it!


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